It was a big day for me for the first time to send her to school. Although it was only an hour in school for assessment.. (she will be in school nx monday... when the new semester start!), but to see her infront of the teacher make me nervous... because i know exactly how my little girl will react when she first time meet people.. She is very shy.... ( terlebih kut!!!)....
After the assessment, had a disscussion with the conselor, then feed back yang aku dapat... Ain really impressed... the problem is only too shy.. that's it. She can write, can read, can figure out the rhythm of the words, write the numbers and also drawing... I really proud of her... really... ( mother is always like that... puji2 anak dia.. huhu!!!)
Then before back home, sempat melawat Ain classroom. Just to make her knew the enviroment of the classroom, met with her teacher, Mrs Rubel... ( nice teacher i guess!), discussed any supply list for Ain, and hopefully by monday she will ready for school... ( jgn mama lak over sentimental anak nk g school dah ler.. hahaha!!!)
Hih hih hih posing si bujang tu so cute ...
I can understand camna u rasa as a mother .... hmmm menantu ku ni shy mcm anak bujangku jugak yer ... sheshuai ni hehehehe
u know, actually ni first time i bawak camera bila g mana2.. i mean g tempat2 yang selain dr tempat jenjalan makan angin lah.. so seem like i serius in blogging... huh!
tapi Ain does make me very proud of her...
Good for Ain..and congratulations and her performance. I'm pretty sure every mother will be proud of their children in any ways.. anytime.
tq farah...
Cant miss every moment in the life lar, precious tuh tau ... kut dah tua esok mesti akan kenang balik punya bila tengok the pics ...
Saya pulak rasa seram, my turn pulak next year august.
You cannot miss every big moment in your family's life. Every changes on and by the kids has to be noted. They will be happy to see and appreciate it when they are older. menantu pun akan happy
Yeah dan dont forget to snap pics every single little thing yg diorang buat termasuklah ketika melabur ha ha ha
I will
Mom terover sensitive tu mmg reality. Tak kiralah kalau ada 10 anak. First day mmg sedih. Kkdg anak tak nangis, mak yg nangis. Ini my case. Sedih tul. Balik rumah sunyi betul. Tak de kebisingan memecah kesunyian. Tapi kkdg bila Omar ngan Hana ada kat rumah, rasa nak pecah ear drum kita dibuatnye.
Whatever the outcome is, enjoy. Nangis tu senyap2 dlm kereta dan kat rumah boleh meraung kuat2.
lupa lak.
flower = mallan
takut nanti tertanya2 lak.
hehe... Mmg sentimental tau. Sampai i sikit duk panggil amsyar "ain"...
Then sian jugak amsyar tu main sorang2. Fadhlin mmg x leh geng ngan amsyar... Tapi good is rmh kurang sepah sbb amsyar x de kwn nk buat sepah. N also akal x pjg. Kalau tak ada jer plan dua beradik tu! Hehe...
alaaa cute nye ur lil gurl =D
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